Meaning of dreaming woman breasts or boobs. What does it mean to see woman breasts or boobs in dream?
Meaning of Dreaming Woman Breasts or Boobs
Meaning of seeing a woman’s breast in a dream is interpreted that the person who sees the dream will enter into auspicious works in business life. Seeing a female boob in a dream signifies that the dream owner has a friend who always shares dream owner’s troubles and distress, who is always upset when dream owner is upset.
General Meaning of Dreaming Woman Breast
This dream indicates:
- that you will get huge gains,
- that you will get rid of all your troubles and problems,
- hat you will help everyone who needs help,
- that you will support everyone who has problems
- that you will be God’s beloved servant and will be protected from all evil.
Breastfeeding Dream Meaning
Dream of breastfeeding a baby can symbolize appearance of a new person in your life who will change it. Generally such a dream is a good sign; to see in a dream how a mother breastfeeds her baby means favorable changes in life and the opportunity to fulfill what is intended.
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